Our mission is to provide expedition-based, outdoor experiences to girls to build their confidence, resiliency, and curiosity.
The Wild Way is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Services are offered on a sliding-scale fee and are FREE to families who are in-need! Fee reductions and fee waivers are always available!
A survey of more than 1,300 girls found that between the ages of 8 and 14, girls’ confidence levels fall by 30%.
What can be done to counteract this?
Our Purpose
We can encourage girls to take action and tackle challenges! Confidence is built through overcoming adversity, including participating in experiences that are new and maybe even intimidating. The outdoors is the perfect setting for engaging girls in healthy, confidence-building activities.
The Wild Way uses fulfilling and educational outdoor experiences to build girls’ confidence, foster a sense of appreciation for the outdoors, engage girls in healthy physical activity, and create a supportive space for overcoming failure and developing resiliency.
The Wild Way’s approach to outdoor learning is unique. We provide expedition-based, outdoor experiences that are interwoven with social-emotional learning strategies designed to help girls build self-esteem and leadership skills.
The Wild Way is committed to providing a diverse and inclusive environment for girls to learn and grow. We welcome all girl-identified youth and girls of all experience levels, particularly those who have not had the opportunity to explore the outdoors in the past.
* The Wild Way supports diversity and is inclusive of ALL girl-identified youth, including cis, trans, and non-binary girls.
Income should never be a barrier to a girl’s ability to enjoy the outside.
We provide financial support to all participants who are unable to pay.
Thank you to our sponsors and partners!