How you can help

  • Donations

    The Wild Way relies on donations to make our services FREE for girls who are in need. Please click the link below to make a donation via credit/debit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay.

  • Used Gear and In-Kind Contributions

    The Wild Way is seeking lightly-used gear that we can use on our expeditions, as well as gift to our financial aid participants who’d like to continue their passion for the outdoors after their program has come to an end. If you would like to give a donation, please fill out this form or email us at Donations can also be shipped or dropped off at our location.

  • Volunteer

    The Wild Way is a completely volunteer-run organization, and we are always looking for people who want to help us achieve our mission. If you have any interest in working with girls and serving as a volunteer on our expeditions, please fill out our volunteer form. Volunteer opportunities also include more than just expeditions. Any support is welcome, including support with fundraising, photography, social media, and special events!

  • Corporate Sponsorship

    Your business can help a girl build a confident mindset! Contact us at to learn about our corporate sponsorship options. Your contribution will be recognized on our webpage, social media, and in printed materials.

Thank you to our sponsors and partners!